
Cell Phones And Its Effects

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Topic Most people in the US and other first world countries use a cellphone in order to keep in touch and communicate with one another. Personally, I use my phone probably way more than I should due to all of the cool extra functions it has. It is extremely hard to avoid cell phones in today’s society. However, these cellular devices have a few negatives. The radiation from cell phones and their towers has been linked to causing cancer, they are a huge source of distraction, and these phones can sometimes overheat and catch on fire. To begin, the radiation caused mainly by cell phone towers is becoming huge concern..exposure to electromagnetic radiation is growing and becoming a serious health threat (“The Hidden Dangers of Cellphone Radiation”). Many girls I see carry their phones in their bras. It is very surprising to me that they still do this despite the risk of their tissues absorbing the radiation. However, The real danger comes from cellphone towers. The tower-based antennas carrying the signals have been linked to development of brain tumors, genetic damage, and other exposure-related conditions (“Advantages and Disadvantages of Cell Phone”). These cell phone towers emit much more radiation than one single phone ever could. The people living next to them are exposed to this fatal radiation for a big portion of their lives. Although cellphone towers are necessary in order to allow cellphones to fulfill their purpose, they should not be built within unsafe

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