
Cell Phones And Its Effects On Society

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Cell phones have been around for hundreds of years. It’s no surprise that more and more people are beginning to partake in cellphone use. Cell phones provide society with an easier way of communicating and obtaining information, but at the same time there are some negative consequences. What most people don’t realize is that cellphones are actually quite harmful to modern society. Scientifically cellphones emit radiations that can potentially produce fatal results. Overall cellphones have many benefits, but indefinitely they are detrimental to one’s wellbeing. Scientific Perspective There are numerous unwanted health problems that cell phones can generate. The possibility of the formation of a cancerous tumor is one of them. When talking on the phone, cell phones are placed next to the salivary gland. In order to determine whether or not cell phones serve as a factor for causing cancer, the saliva’s of heavy cell phone users and non-cell phone users were compared. It was found that the saliva of the heavy cell phones users contained large amounts of “oxidative stress”. The danger behind this discovery is that oxidative stress produces certain radicals that damage parts of cells, and is an important risk factor for cancer (Hubbard 1). It has also been found that cell phone exposure may harm male fertility. It was found in men who had no exposure to cell phones that 50 -85% of their sperm had a normal ability to move towards

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