
Cell Phones Persuasive Speech

Satisfactory Essays

Jesus Mendoza

In an era where cell phones are the norm, when we go to the store and see a young child bumping and running into things because their focus is on their cell phones. In this passage i will be talking and explaining why I believe from what these two passages are stating, in the side of Linda Sidner. We should wait for our children to get older so we can give them the privilege of a phone. Here are my three reasons why we should wait for our kids to give them phones. Firstly, the growth of cyber bullying and safety of the internet. Secondly, the children should earn the right to have a cell phone because a cell phone is a privilege . Lastly, they should be old enough to contribute to the cell phone bill.

First since your child …show more content…

When my parents needed to get a hold of me they would call the home or place i would be to make sure i got to my destination safely. When i got to the correct age my parents seen it fit for me to get a phone because i showed them that i was being responsible. Where would our children's focus be if we give them a phone in such a young age?

Lastly, I believe a child should understand the concept of paying a cell phone bill. At the age of 16, children can find a part time job to contribute to the bill to get the understanding that. The expense that comes from our cell phones. That would give our children a sense of responsibility and the understanding of hard work. Instead of just handing them the cell phone and them not understanding the expense that comes from that phone. What kind of mindset will we give our children if we just hand them things and there is no commitment behind it?

In closing, We as parents should wait so we can teach them and guide them down the right mental path so they can avoid the scares of social media and personal experience. Lastly to show our children hard work in paying and contributing in the cell phone bill.Go back to a far memory of when you were a child, how would your parents treat this delicate

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