
Celta Assignment 2:Skills -Related Task

Decent Essays

Cambridge CELTA

Written Assignment Two

Skills –related tasks

Word count: 1082

I acknowledge that this paper is my own work.

Trainee: Mileva Genadieva


Date: 18.02.2013

Receptive skills:

According to J. Harmer in his book The Practice of English Language Teaching, “receptive skills are the ways in which people extract the meaning from the discourse they see or hear”. In the following text “Playing with your food” the main skill that is being practiced is reading and along with it other sub-skills are being developed such as practicing new vocabulary, reading for gist in order for the students to understand the main idea.
Enhancement of receptive skills will increase the rate at …show more content…

Rationale: this activity will help students practice spelling, vocabulary, grammar and text formation which differ quite a lot from speaking.

2. Speaking activity:

The teacher asks the students to divide in groups and of 2 or 3 and elicits that each group is a musical orchestra that uses different materials for their instruments, such as vegetables, old office materials, fruit or things they can find in nature. Each group will have to decide on its name, style of music, instruments and activities. What kind of songs they have and some history that they can imagine. After this they will have about 5-6 minutes to prepare and then they will have to introduce themselves to the rest of the class. Afterwards the class will vote which musical band might get in the leading positions of the radio charts.
This activity will be useful to students as it encourages them to practice new vocabulary from the text, etc. biodegradable, environmentally-conscious, and to interpret the new information in their own way and engage in a spoken dialogue.

Ex.1 Read text and answer the following questions:

1. What makes this orchestra different from others? (they make their own instruments from vegetables)
2. How is the orchestra called? (The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra)
3. What happens to the vegetables after a

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