
Censorship Of Female Nipples On Social Media

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Censorship of Female Nipples on Social Media
Censorship has become a controversial topic on social media platforms. This has been clearly exemplified online with the use of hashtags like #freethenipple. The #freethenipple was spearheaded by activist and filmmaker Lina Esco, which will be explained more thoroughly. The popularity of these social media website has allowed campaigns like #freethenipple to have worldwide success. In addition to this campaign I will be taking a deeper look into Courtney Demone, a transgender women who has tested Instagrams censorship policies regarding the female chest and what Instagram considers female. With these campaigns it is important that social media platforms like Instagram review its policies regarding nudity and the female nipple.

Before I look into these campaigns it is important to first understand what censorship is. Censorship is when material …show more content…

“#FreeTheNipple has failed to show the diverse ways in which people with differing bodies are sexualized, fetishized, exoticized and shamed. It has also failed to recognize that baring her nipples doesn’t mean freedom for every woman,” wrote Courtney Demone (Mashable, 2015).

Currently all of the pictures that Demone posted on Instagram revealing her nipple have been removed except for one where she does not refer to herself as a female. However, the same pictures remain on Facebook.

When Instagram was asked about why Demone pictures were removed they released a statement saying, “they understood the importance of an individual's personal journey (transitioning) and that they do their best to help people express themselves on their sites. But, for women like Demone and others like her who have identified themselves as trans women and use the pronoun she, their pictures are being censored” (dna,

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