
Essay about Ch 4 Microsoft Office Bcis

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Cornel Cernat Ch.4 questions 1. What is meant by broadband communications? Generally means a telecommunications system that can exchange data very quickly. 2. Describe the elements and steps involved in the telecommunications process. Telecommunication devices relay signals between computer systems and transmission media. 3. What is telecommunication protocol? Sets of rules and regulations that govern the process of digital information exchange between two distant entities. 5. What is VPN? How do organizations use this technology? “Virtual private Network” transfer info by encapsulating traffic in IP packs and sending the packets over the internet. Companies that use a VPN from an ISP have outsourced their networks …show more content…

12. What is a web browser? Provide four examples Internet resources throughout the world that are a series of linked files, called pages accessed using web client software(web browser) ex- internet explorer, chrome ,Firefox, safari. 13. What is cloud computing? Cloud computing refers to a computing environment where software and storage are provided as an internet service and accessed with a web browser. 14. Briefly describe three ways to connect to the internet. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? Connecting dial up – uses a modem and standard phone line to “dial up and connect to ISP server. Dial up is considered the slowest because it is limited to 56kbps limitation. Connecting high speed (cable, DSL, Etc.)- delivers high speeds though over existing phone lines Connecting WIFI- wireless network access convenient because no hardwire required but signal strength has limitations. 15. What is an ISP? What service does it provide? Internet service provider ISP is an organization that provides internet service to people 20. What is the web? Is it another network like the internet or a service that runs on the internet? Mark up languages that combine to deliver information and SERVICES over the internet. 21. What is a URL and how is it used? A web address that specifies the exact location of a web page. Uses letters and words that map to an IP address and a

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