
Challenges in the Implementation of New It Systems

Decent Essays

Implementation of new information technology systems can be both a daunting and exciting task for many companies. Most of these new systems promise seamless integration of all the information flowing through the organization. For most companies, the opportunity to solve the problem of business integration is very exciting. However, for every story of successful implementation of IT systems, there are also horror stories of failed implementation (Davenport, 1998).
Davenport (1998) agrees that system implementation do come with enormous technical challenges but the complexities and technical challenges are not the main reason for the difficulties in implementing the systems but rather attributes it to business problems. Most information …show more content…

Chopra and Meindl (2007) also suggest three ideas to keep in mind when implementing IT systems. First is to install new IT systems in incremental stages rather than a full scale implementation. The idea is to limit the damage should problems arise with the installation and also to make it easier to identify problem areas during installation. The second is to run both the new and old systems parallel for a period such that when a problem is encountered with the new systems in the early stages, the old system can be relied upon for business continuity while the issues are addressed. The final idea is to implement only the level of complexity that a company needs. New systems always seem to have a lot of functionality that most managers will like to have. The focus should always be on exactly what is needed and provides the benefit the company needs.
Burke, R.,

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