
Change In Battery

Decent Essays

The topic “what would you change in your battery” is a very interesting subject and may very well be somewhat controversial in some aspects of understanding and perception. It would open up possible touchy subjects or situations and could lead to the ultimate detriment of the battery moral, initiative, commanders intent and overall mission accomplishment. That of course would be a worse case scenario in dealing with this somewhat sensitive subject. On the other hand, there is always a bright side to any issue being tackled and analyzed to its very core of subject. One could say that their work environment, in this case the 12th MDB battery is all peaches and cream, without any flaw or blemish, bringing a somewhat scripted, rehearsed play to be presented on stage.

The preverbal “dog and pony show” which is all to well known as far as I have seen in the Army that any coherent keenly observant superior would easily sniff out and counteract. If there is one thing I can change throughout the Army it would be to show the work environment weather it be battery, battalion, brigade or any such entity in a light of honesty. Lets bring to light all the flaws, all the discrepancies …show more content…

This happy medium is what I believe to be a rarely achievable goal especially with so many different personalities and individuals. Although the Army instills in us from our arrival at reception a level of conformity, teamwork, mission accomplishment, brotherhood, army standards and values it is something that is developed over time. Every soldier need to realize that he/she is part of a bigger picture which is the protection of our nation and the American way of life. Although every soldier comes from different places in the world, has different religious views, has different traditions and practices we must remember that we are in the United States

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