
Changes in Microsoft´s Operation and Management Essay

Decent Essays

Microsoft, a company founded by Bill Gates has, in the last couple of years seen a number of changes in its mode of operation. Traditionally Microsoft has been in the business of producing computer-based products exclusively (Byrnes, 2010). In the light of changing technology, globalisation and changing consumer tastes and preferences change has become in the tech-giant company. In the fast-paced world of technology, consumers are actively switching to the new touchscreen laptops and tablets, which are the replacement to conventional computers. These contemporary computers require operating systems and software that are entirely different from what was in use formerly. As means of keeping up this trend, and in order to address these new …show more content…

Besides, customers were rapidly shifting for computers to tablets and smartphone making the business of developing apps for the industry lucrative. Keen on addressing these issues, the company’s management had to react fast, and this is how the birth of windows 8 surfaced. One main impact this change had management, is coping with competition from the established mobile app developers: android from Google and apple. Commanding a considerable market share was a daunting task for management. Statistics from the industry show that, android, the leading mobile app provider, releases between 10,000 and 140,000 new apps every month. Windows 8 released only 200, 000 apps in the first year of its operation which is far below the trendsetters, android. Windows 8 was also built to support only Microsoft specific apps, which made rolling out the change a more complex undertaking to management. To deal with these change demands, the company’s management, embarked in restructuring the organisation in order to incorporate they change demands (Rash, 2013). This began with reorganising the employees into new structures, which meant new duties and responsibilities. 2. To the employees The change from spontaneous change from providing PC based services to providing mobile based services was also equally wanting to the employees. For one, the employees had to begin working from scratch to address these new needs.

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