
Changing Medicare And Social Security

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Changing Medicare and Social Security to means-tested benefits Policy Analysis Notably, the elderly populace is growing rapidly, and will reach 3.4 million or 12.8% of the population. Eventually, in the next thirty years older adults will comprise of 20% of the total population due to the aging of 76 million baby boomers (Olson, 2001). Seeing that, entitlement programs and means-tested benefits, are presented, in order to bolster this increment of older adults. Accordingly, around 96% of the American workforce is secured by Social Security and it is likewise estimated that 58 million American will receive a total of $816 billion in Social Security benefits (Moody and Sasser, 2015). In fact, today 56 million or 17% of the population is enlisted in Medicare (Leonard, 2015). Therefore, this has presented an open deliberation about the eventual fate of Medicare and Social Security and regardless of whether changing Medicare and Social Security to means-tested benefits, instead of entitlement programs can resolve the policy issues.
At present, entitlement programs, which is, “a federal program that guarantees a certain level of benefits to persons or other entities who meet requirements set by law” (Entitlement Program, 2015) incorporates programs, for example, Medicare and Social Security. However, because of expanding insecurity of these programs the likelihood of changing Medicare and Social Security to means-tested benefits is being considered for a policy

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