
Chapter Summary Of Opening Skinner's Box

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In the second chapter of Opening Skinner’s box, Slater wrote about Stanley’s obedience to authority experiment. He used random people off the streets as volunteers and two actors. One actor would be tied down on an electric chair, and the volunteers would be put into a different room. The other actor who would dress as a doctor instructed the volunteers to say some words to the actor that is tied. When the actor got the answer wrong, he gets shocked with increasing voltages. Milgram wanted to see if people/ volunteers would trust and listen to a high authority professional person even if it meant to harm a person. About 65% of the people listened and followed directions to the high authorized person. In chapter 8, Elizabeth researched about human memory and imagination. Loftus says that people who have had horrific memories about the past such as child abuse, rape or anything that could affect a person’s life can play a key role to their past, present and future decisions because there will be things where something may trigger the person leading them to that horrific memory. She created an experiment called ‘’lost in the mall,’’and told her participants about their true childhood memories and telling a fake one by saying they were lost in the mall when they were young. The participants believed that they were lost when they were young. …show more content…

She separated the newborn and the mother monkey and replaced the mother with a soft towel. The baby monkey was so attached to the soft towel. Then Halow brought a surrogate mother that was made from wire and nails that gave out milk to see if the baby monkey would leave the towel for the mother that gave out milk. The baby didn't , instead it would come to the mother that gave out milk when hungry, but other than that it went back to the towel for love. Halow learned that touch was the main key for love, which the towel gave to the

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