
Character Analysis Catcher In The Rye

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Seventeen year old Holden Caulfield is a character, in the novel Catcher in the rye, who is resentful of the adult world, while displaying immature, almost childish behaviour as the novel progresses. He is afraid of change and struggling through life, despite having the whole world ahead of him.
Holden has Gerontophobia which is the fear of growing old. People with this fear tend to worry about growing old because they fear being left alone with no one to take care of or comfort them in their old age. The origin of the word ger is Greek (meaning old age) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear). (Culbertson, 1995)
Throughout the novel we can see that Holden is protective of his youthful qualities and he does not want to abandon them when he grows …show more content…

The night of his death, Holden broke all the windows in the garage and had to be hospitalized. Holden portrays Allie as more of a saint than a boy. Allie died young- before he could lose all of his innocence and is therefore remembered as always being a kid. Because Holden is afraid to grow up and hates the corruption of innocence, he always describes Allie with perfection since Allie never had to go through the pain of growing up and Holden viewed him as a kid who he loved. He was a completely rare individual. Allie was left-handed – he was a unique person. He had red hair – he really stood out from everyone else. He wrote poems on his GLOVE (banter) – he was sensitive and emotional, and he did so in green ink – again, he was a unique being. Allie’s death on July 18 1945 seems increasingly to have more to it than meets the eye, and could be the one single event which has left Holden the most emotionally devastated. Holden draws much of his passion to continue the fight against the corruption of adulthood from memories of the death of his younger brother Allie. Perhaps if Holden had a less traumatic past and was able to reach out to more sympathetic companions, he would find himself in a less unsettled present and future. (Salinger,

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