
Character Analysis Of The Character Of Hacksaw Ridge

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Hacksaw Ridge The main character of this story is Desmond Doss. Desmond Doss is a Conscientious Objector and he decided to join the Army to serve his country. But since he was a Conscientious Objector he promised to himself that he would never touch a gun. While in boot camp he was mistreated by his sergeant and fellow soldiers for his belief. He later trained to become a Combat medic to help his fellow soldiers because he did not want to carry a gun. Before he got deployed he met Dorthy were he got married to her before going to Japan. While over there they attacked the ridge of Okinawa known as Hacksaw Ridge. Most men that were deployed of there were killed trying to take the ridge to gain a foothold in Okinawa, Japan. He was most well known for his action upon the ridge. He saved over 75 lives while not touching a single gun. After he saved another man he would say “Please lord let me get one more.” He ended up gaining the respect and adoration of the men he served alongside. At the end of the movie he was awarded the first purple heart for a Consensus Objector. Also because of his work inspiring the other soldiers they were able to take the ridge. This moving was covering World War II on the fight between Japan and America. This event takes place after Pearl Harbor which is what inspired a lot of the soldiers to end up joining the war. Which is was Desmond Doss and a lot of his friends ended up doing. The Americans were assaulting and trying to take Okinawa in Japan.

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