
Characteristics Of An Organization Health Care Provider

Decent Essays

In examining the most important characteristics of various types of provider organizations, in terms of mission, goals, objectives, staffing requirements, policies and procedures, I first needed to determine; what is considered an organization health care provider? I found a fact sheet present by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which identify organization health care providers as “hospitals, home health agencies, clinics, nursing homes, ambulance companies, and health care companies formed by individuals,” as organization providers (National Provider Identifier, 2007). One common thread that all of these organizations have is the identifier standards, developed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services and followed under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA). This standards dictates that: “all covered entities under HIPPA are required by regulation to use NPI’s (National Provider Identifier), to identify health care providers in standard HIPPA transactions” (National Provider Identifier, 2007). These organizations may contain sub-units, such as laboratory, pharmacy, or rehab services, and these units may require their own NPI for standards related to those units (National Provider Identifier, 2007). However there are other characteristics and external interventions in which these providers rely on in contemporary healthcare, in order to obtain accountability and value in their delivery of healthcare.

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