
Characteristics Of The Renaissance

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The beginning of the renaissance started in the 1400’s in Florence. Many turned towards Humanism which was an emphasis on man's qualities and power. Idealistic realism was showed through the paintings in this time. Idealistic realism was a way of painting people as real as possible, to how they would look like in life. Michelangelo demonstrated this technique through his statue, The David. The Renaissance also focused on what is now called the "ideal renaissance man", which was an athletic looking, handsome, and intelligent man. During this time, the Caravel was invented, which was a large boat used mostly for exploration. This was a new way to spread the ideas and also expand territory. These were the same boats that Columbus used to found North America. Another key event during this time was the Spanish Inquisition. Spain decided that they only wanted Catholics in there country so the soon used violence to convert the Muslims and Jews to Catholicism. Soon most of Spain had become Catholic. These are just a few of the characteristics of the Renaissance, which all connect together and in short, shape the decisions of the people of this time. The 15th century was filled with many religious complications and many of the new moral standards and lifestyles were affected by the disasters that occurred in the 14th century. There was the Western Schism, church corruption, and the Spanish Inquisition, all of which changed the church to the modern sense they are now. Throughout the

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