
Charlie Gordon's Ethical Dilemmas

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Charlie Gordon was a thirty-seven year old that had an IQ of 68. He had a dream to get smart, and an operation he signed up for would help him achieve that dream. He was thrust into the operation without any knowledge of what would happen. He also was not informed of any additional information about the experiment, besides that the experiment would make him intelligent. After the experiment was completed and Charlie's intelligence reversed back to normal, Dr. Nemur and Strauss made little to no effort to make sure his personal life wasn't altered because of the experiment. Charlie Gordon's doctors did not act ethically when they performed the surgery to make him smarter.
One of the five steps to ethical decision making is to gather facts. …show more content…

The oath states that "I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick." (Lasagna). After Charlie's operation was done, and his intelligence reversed back to normal, his doctors didn't do anything to care for him and his personal life. Charlie decided to move away from home after the operation because his relationships with the people he was close to were destroyed.
Some people may argue that Charlie's doctors acted ethically. This is not true. Although Charlie was informed of what the operation would to do him, he was not informed enough of the side effects, or of what would happen after the operation. His doctors also didn't follow most of the steps the ethical decision making. They also didn't make sure his life wasn't changed in any way when the operation was completed.
Charlie Gordon's doctors did not act ethically when they performed the experiment on him. They didn't follow most of the steps to ethical decision making. They also did not follow the Hippocratic Oath. Charlie's life was changed because of the doctors' uncaring. Ethics are important in the medical field, and Charlie's doctors did not act

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