
Charlotte's Pizza Monologue

Satisfactory Essays

When I arrived there, there were 3 people in front of me. It took 1 minute 56 seconds to get to Pepper, who took my order. She asked if I've been here before and I told her yes, she said ,she asked me my name, asked what kind of pizza, and then asked what toppings and what kind of pizza I was ordering. I told her 1 and she moved my pizza over, telling me Charlotte will add my sauce. However, Charlotte was finishing up with another pizza so Pepper decided she'll add the sauce. I told her "White", even repeating it, but she put red sauce on. Before I could correct her she added the sauce but I decided red sauce was fine. She then gave the pizza to Charlotte who asked what kind of cheese I wanted. I told her mozzarella and she put the cheese on

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