
Checks And Balances Essay

Decent Essays

Did you know the framers of the constitution belt a checks and balance system into the government? There are three branches the executive, legislative and judicial the checks and balance were put in place to ensure that no one branch would be more powerful than the others. These checks and balances include the presidential Veto, the ability of congress to Impeachment and, judicial review. Let’s start with the president’s ability to veto. The president can veto or send a bill back to congress. Congress can however override the president’s Veto with two thirds vote. There are also some special circumstances the apply to this. If the president gets a bill and dose nothing with it for 10 days wail congress is in session the bill will automatically become a law. However, if congress goes out of session and the president still does nothing …show more content…

The Judicial Review it helps to make sure that all new laws passed do not voglite the constitution. Or are rights as citizens. This power however is weekend by a slow to act congress. It is also strengthened by the changing opinions of the court judges. The job of the federal government is to lead but also protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Judicial review accomplishes this by insuring that laws are checked with the constitution. The check can be wakened do to congress lack of action. A good example of this would be the Brown V. Board of education case in 1955 (Donald). In this case the supreme court decided that the segregation of schools was unconstitutional. Congress then needed to put into effect policy that would desegregate schools. There were several more cases that went to the supreme court after and because of this ruling. Some of these include Cooper v. Aaron in 1958, (Donald)this had to do with the schools in little rock still not being desegregated. Schools were not desegregated fully instill the 1970’s.

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