
Chick-Fil-A Case Study

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According to The Journal for Quality and Participation, "a company's culture is embedded in its DNA." With that being said, establishing a productive organizational culture is a crucial component to the success of the company, even before they are in business. In a nutshell, "organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions....which governs how people how people behave in a culture." When employees of a company are aware of what is expected and accepted, they are more likely to perform their jobs according to those set standards. Whether it be how they dress, speak, or respond to diversity, each area in an organization is highly affected by the culture. Due to the fact that organizational culture is what ultimately …show more content…

Even though there are over 1,600 different Chick-Fil-A restaurants all run by different owners and operators, they are still able to withhold a productive organizational culture. One way they ensure their employees will perform their jobs based on their standards is through the reinforcement of their traditional motto, "treat every person with honor, dignity, and respect— regardless of their beliefs...." Not only do they give back to their community through food donations and scholarships, they also give back to their employees. For example, because Chick-Fil-A is a Christian oriented company, they go the extra mile to close all their stores on Sunday's. By doing so they are promoting family, religion, rest and rewards. More importantly, Chick-Fil-a's culture is warm and welcoming. Their customer service is a direct reflection of just how much of an impact their positive organization culture has on its workers. It is no wonder they are such a successful business, their employees carry out all values and commitments that the company has set a mission to

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