
Child Abuse Intervention

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In history, it shows that there have been interventions, but during the civilizations in "Greece, Rome and Mexico engaged in several forms of child abuse" for cultural beliefs(Child abuse,1). During that civilization they believed in murder and that back then child abuse was very common for punishment. In 2013 archeologists found a "two-thousand-year-old skeleton of a toddler" which had may fractures which proved that child abuse was present(Child abuse,2). This showed that in cultures and religious backgrounds that child abuse was common, but looking back now it was morally wrong. To continue, the intervention of child abuse is presented as "both necessary and morally compelling"(I.Child abuse,1). This illustrates that the process of child …show more content…

Many of the programs that are available today want to protect the child but help the parent, so they don't have to break up families. In reality, if a parent abused a child, the parent reluctantly will probably do it again. Stated in the article about child abuse many systems, agencies and governments conclude that children in a situation like a child abuse, to repeat will suffer from depression, anxiety and the list could continue child abuse needs to have more solutions to take place to prevent it from reoccurring and occurring again. There are many issues dealing with Child abuse, but there are also solutions and steps that can be taken to minimize child abuse in today's society. For instance , having programs that intervene,provide advocates , Therapy and education groups could help prevent child …show more content…

Truly having advocates intervene in situations of child abuse, to speak to a child for there behalf helps the child through the process.Back in April 1874 Mary ellen appeared in court to defend a child because of a case of child abuse in which the child had “bruises,gash on her face because of scissors”(Global issues in context,2). Mary Ellen was advocating for the child . An advocate could be a friend,social worker, teacher. Initially having a support system intervene and to be surrounded by people who went through something similar can help the child process the traumatic event that happened to them. To restate child abuse has been a problem since history began and having children live in fear of an adult that brutally hurt them. Truly , deserve to have an advocate because it takes courage to leave a parent and can take time to process. For instance if someone reportedd child abuse or a child reported it they would need an advocate other than family to provide support and resources.In child abuse situation “relationships must be based on mutual trust”(Global issues in Context,3).This shows that if an advocate is provided they need to be able to trust themeselves and the child on which descions should be made,overall if the child is

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