
Childbearing Among Teenagers Essay

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Childbearing Among Teenagers During the past 40 years teenagers have been identified with having many social problems such as drug abuse, suicide, criminal behavior and childbearing. Even though these concerns have not shown a significant threat to the welfare of future generations, there has been considerable effort, especially in industrialized countries, to control and prevent these issues. Teenage pregnancy, in particular, has made an impressive improvement over recent years.[1] Compared to the last three decades, 33% less teenagers in Canada were pregnant in 2001 according to Statistics Canada (Medical News Today, 2004). When analyzing teenage pregnancy rates in industrialized …show more content…

Teenage pregnancy is an important issue. There are significant health risks for both young mothers and their children and they are more likely to suffer social and emotional traumas throughout their lives. There are many social causes and economic factors that are major contributors in early childbearing. For example, when teenagers give birth, they are less likely to complete high school and more likely during their lives to have a larger number of children than are non-parenting teens. Children born to younger teen mothers may also experience lower educational attainment, and higher rates of teenage childbearing themselves when compared to children born to older mothers. Perhaps without the introduction of abortion as a method of birth control, the teenage pregnancy rates would be lower. Therapeutic abortion rates in Canada have been and continue to be increasing with more than half of pregnancies to teenagers in Canada resulting in abortion in 1997 (Buske, 2001). There is still a great need for continued efforts to help prevent teenage pregnancy. Many organizations around the world are working together to reduce the rates. Today, in most developed countries, even though teenagers are strongly urged to wait until they have established themselves in life to have children; it has become commonly acceptable for teenagers to be engaging in sexual activity (Boonstra,

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