
Childhood Experience In Early Childhood

Decent Essays

In this essay, I will discuss my experience during middle and late childhood. I will address three stages which are the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development. The physical development consists of body and brain growth, health issues, and motor skills. The cognitive development consists of language, memory, and attention. Socioemotional development is based on relationship, employment, and personality. Physical development consists of body and brain growth, health issues, and motor skills. Researchers say that American children are not getting enough exercise, and over the last few decades, children who are at risk for being obese has increased. During the middle childhood stage in my life, I lacked physical activity. My exercise consisted simply from PE. I did not experience any injuries or major accidents that I am aware of. As a child, my diet consisted of traditional Mexican dishes, very high in calories. Although my diet was not very healthy during middle childhood I was in fact very slim. I did not have any illnesses that impacted my physical development. Researchers say that increasing the physical activity has positive outcome, reason why I attempt to exercise regularly and eat healthy now. Cognitive development consists of language, memory, and attention. Cognitive functioning is a collection of abilities, attentions the focusing of mental resources on select information, short-term memory the retention of information over 30 seconds with no

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