
Childhood Obesity Epidemic In America

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Childhood obesity is rapidly becoming an epidemic in America. Children are becoming overweight from lack of exercise and overeating. A average US child eats fast food daily without exercise. More than 15 million US children live in “food insecure” homes which means they have limited access to the foods they need to stay healthy due to the cost of the items according to the Trust for America’s Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Children are consuming much more than they burn off from exercise daily. Due to children eating more than they burn off, they are suffering from different types of diseases. Researchers are still studying these epidemics. So far, statistics have shown that children are in fact becoming obese from not exercising …show more content…

Fast food restaurants are proven to be the main cause in becoming overweight. Due to the costs of healthy foods the low-income families have to buy what is convenient and cheap. The food that is consumed by a inactive child turns into fatty tissue. Once a child does consume things that are healthy such as, fruits and vegetables, they take the shape of the fatty food consumed before the healthy foods. Public schools only give children a ½ cup of fruits and ¼ cup of vegetables a day at lunch. On average, the American child that eat fast food 1 of 3 days gain 6 extra pounds a year says, Claudia Wallis. The amounts of fast food or unhealthy food is affecting the amount of healthy foods being consumed. The healthy foods just turn into the fatty foods since a child consumed so much fatty foods. From eating all of these bad foods that make you become overweight, there are many effects from …show more content…

According to Meryl Loonin, Children are often becoming depressed from being overweight. Children are becoming depressed from getting bullied or lack of self esteem. Children at such a young age should not become depressed, it is very unhealthy if a child is depressed. Children can also develop Hyperlipidemia, High Blood Pressure, and Diabetes. Over 20 percent of children in the society have Potbelly Abdominal Obesity Syndrome. All of these effects will affect the child while they are young and even affect them as an adult. Studies have proven that children that are overweight are 10 more times likely to become obese as an adult, which will make them have major health problems. Jimerson has written about a major disease that children can develop at a young age which is called Coronary Artery Disease. This disease is known for closing up arteries and any blood flowage, it is very deadly. Children with these health effects are in danger of early death as a child or as a young adult. The health effects can be stopped if you catch them before they get

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