
Childhood Obesity In America Essay

Decent Essays

Childhood Obesity In America Childhood obesity is a huge problem facing America today. It’s like an epidemic, spreading across America at alarming rates. Just in the past 30 years, childhood obesity rates have more than doubled among children and quadrupled among adolescents. Today, it has been estimated that one in every six children or adolescents is obese ("Childhood Obesity Facts”). And if things don’t change soon, those numbers will just keep rising. This isn’t a problem that we can leave up to children to deal with themselves. Parents and adults need to take responsibilities for children’s health and futures. Children or adolescents who have a body mass index of over 30 are considered to be obese. Too much body fat can lead to many negative …show more content…

The parents usually, and hopefully, play the leader role. No one formally assigns them to that role, it just happens because that’s the way that it is. It’s a big role for parents to play in this situation, basically everything except the receiver, which the child is. Children need so much guidance when it comes to obesity. They don’t think of the consequences that happen from an unhealthy lifestyle. And if that’s all that they’ve ever known, it’ll be hard for them to change that. Other kids probably won’t provide obese children with positive communication and support, so it’s crucial that the parents do. Parents should provide their children with positive communication. The children still need discipline, especially with their food choices, but in a positive way. Obese children are so emotionally unstable the way it is, they don’t need their parents disapproval and harsh words on top of that. So basically, communication is key in childhood obesity. Children need to learn how to live healthy. Parents need to not just tell their children, they need to show them. By providing obese children with the physical and emotional guidance that they so badly need, parents can help their children live a happier and healthier life. And if every parent across America can work on this, then together we can help to beat childhood obesity in

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