
Childhood Obesity Is Defined As A Body Mass Index

Decent Essays

BRIEF REVIEW OF THE TOPIC According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009), Childhood Obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index at or above 95th percentile for both male and female children in the United States. Approximately 9 million children are struggling with Obesity (Gootman, J.A., McGinnis, M., & Kraak, V.I., 2006). The rate at which children are being diagnosed with obesity has more than doubled over a span of 25 years form 7% to 18% for children ranging in age from 6-11 years (Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Kit BK, Flegal KM., 2014). Furthermore, the National Center for Health Statistics reported the percentage of obese adolescents aged 12-19 years more that tripled within the same time span from 5% to nearly 21%. The National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, through collaborative efforts defined overweight as having an excess in body weight, along with a specified height, for a particular combination of mass from fat, muscle, bone and water. LITERATURE REVIEW LEADING TO SELECTION OF ARTICLES The field of Public Health offers much evidence through various studies that obesity is an epidemic. Having experience in dealing with community projects to address obesity, the conclusion is made that enhanced policy is needed to implement effective approaches that aid in the reduction of obesity in adulthood by targeting younger populations. State and government reports regarding the health status of school-aged children is

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