
Childhood Obesity : The United States

Decent Essays

In February, 2010 “President Obama established a Task Force on Childhood Obesity clearly stating his goal to solve the problem of childhood obesity within a generation” (Eschmeyer). Therefore, he launched the Let’s Move campaign where Michelle Obama was the leading spokesperson for. Furthermore, she played an important role in helping to improve the food nutrition policy. As nearly everyone knows the issue of childhood obesity has been on the rise in the United States. In fact, children ages 6-19 have a one out of five chance of being obese as a result, putting our children at risk of having health issues and various other problems to have to deal with in life including, being bullied. Hence, the launch of the campaign that would in later …show more content…

Therefore, saying if children got more exercise such as playing outside more, played fewer video games, watched less TV and had healthier lunches at school this would completely change obesity. Although I agree with UMCC argument up to a point, I cannot accept their overriding assumption that only those factors would reverse childhood obesity trends. Yet some readers may challenge my view that if parents were to get their children playing outside more and providing better meals for their children, we would not be dealing with the issue of obesity in our children. But on the other hand, some may argue that it is not safe nowadays, allowing their children to play outside alone without a parent or adult watching them, although I can remember growing up as a child and always playing outside. My brother and I knew that once the street lights started coming on, it was time for us to get our butts home for dinner. But back then we knew the majority of the people on our street we grew up on so of course if our parents could not find us they knew who to call. However, nowadays I honestly can say I do not know a lot of people on the street we live and as a parent, I always hear horrible stories on the news about children going missing. Therefore, it makes it difficult as a parent to decide if I should allow my child to ride his or her bike down the street to see their friend. In addition, to the factors mentioned above,

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