
Childhood Obesity : Young And Oversized

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Young and Oversized in America Does one ever wonder what factors contribute to the increase of childhood obesity? Childhood obesity is a major issue and common disease that is becoming prevalent and widespread. The amount of children that are obese has doubled and the amount of adolescents who are obese has quadrupled within the past thirty years. Children at a young age are already being diagnosed with medical issues such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Obesity itself is the second leading cause of preventable death. Currently, every one out of three kids is diagnosed as obese. Over the past years, obesity has highly increased in children and there are three things that lead to this issue; which are the consumption of fast foods, lack of physical activity, and certain family situations, like upbringing. Many critics and doctors believe that the best way to battle childhood obesity is by having the child engage in physical activities, cook more healthy meals at home, and reduce their portion size. The first fast food business in America is White Castle, which was created in Kansas during 1921 by Bill Ingram. From that point the business became popular and other businesses emerged such as McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, and KFC. Fast food businesses were created so people can have the option of getting food faster. Also, for businesses to make money by having people go out instead of cooking. Many find it beneficial, but they don 't understand the harm it’s doing

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