
Children In The Khmer Rouge

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Think about the soldiers that serve your country. They all go through tough challenges. Whether it’s an easy to go through challenge, or a challenge that is almost impossible to go through. Now, think of those grown up soldiers as children. By children, meaning younger than 18. In the past, there were groups of bad soldiers that recruited young children that are eighteen and younger. These children, who just wanted to live at least a semi normal life, were now killing to keep their own lives. They have to kill, even if they don’t want to. Whether it’s an innocent person, a bad person, or it might be their family that they have to kill. The group named The Khmer Rouge killed anyone who was in their way. Although some may argue otherwise, that …show more content…

The child soldiers brains have not fully developed yet since they're young children. The Khmer Rouge had tricked their undeveloped brains into thinking that killing is a good thing, or just a normal thing to do. They are traumatized by the gruesome images, which most likely re-play in their heads, over and over, giving them harrowing nightmares. The Khmer Rouge, they are“...making young recruits to drink the blood or eat the flesh of their victims”(Leahy). Eating flesh and drinking blood is not at all normal, they are basically treated like animals, and they don't know what they're doing. The child soldiers get confused on what to do and the Khmer Rouge take advantage of that confusion. “Those who attempt escape are severely punished. Girls are routinely raped” (Child Soldiers, Steel)what punishment does to a child's mind is basically trying to tame a dog of sorts. They are tricking them and making them stay through rough punishment, that way they won't attempt to leave again. The Khmer Rouge are destroying the children's minds. Forcing them, since the punishments are something that the child soldiers have no power at all of. Resisting will lead them to more trouble. If they were to be granted amnesty, they will be released of worries that they shouldn't have to

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