
Christopher Gonzalez

Satisfactory Essays

I admire the simple, humble heart of people, showing as they care about others, not trying to impress anyone or be the center of attention. Especially for its ability to respect others. When I admire someone, I do it by looking at many things, but never at his physical appearance or economic status. In order to admire someone, that person has to have qualities that money cannot buy. Many people loop at the physical appearance, the way we dress, and the material things this person possesses or gives. To me it should not be that way.
Although this person has been through a lot in his life, he has never lost hope and desire to move forward. He does not give up easily, but continues with his modesty and good heart. I had the opportunity to meet him a year ago by the social network, Instagram. Although we are not together physically, we communicate daily either by phone, video, call or text. The person who has earned my admiration is Christopher Gonzalez. …show more content…

In addition, I respect his courage to manage and cope with life situations, such as helping others and the respect he shows for others. Christopher makes me laugh at my saddest moments. He also changes my mood in minutes and helps me when I feel that I don’t have the strength to continue. We have laughed, cried and had many ups and downs but we have faith in God and he has always been present in our relationship. Christopher is the person who knows me the most right now, and no matter what my faults and my problems are, he has been there for me. He advises me and is my

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