
Chronic Illness

Decent Essays

This paper explores the meaning as well as the different aspects of “Chronic Illness.” These information about the concept is illustrated through an art piece, such that “Chronic Illness” is symbolized as a multi-coloured circle. Throughout the paper, the image is broken down into three parts to analyze and explain how each detail truly symbolizes the concept.

Essentially, the concept “Chronic Illness,” is defined as a gradually advancing, long term illness that is controlled by continuous and multiple interventions. To represent chronic illness, an image of a circle that is formed by splatters of different colours was used. Specifically, the concept is explained through the image’s shape, highest and lowest points, as well as the change of colour surrounding the circle. To begin with, the circular shape simply represents continuous laps to illustrate the long duration and the never-ending cycle of chronic illness. In addition, this constant travel around the infinite points of the circle shows the instability that occurs with chronic illness. This is because, there will be points throughout the process where the individual may be at his or her best (highest point of the circle) and worst (lowest point of the circle) condition due to the appearance of new problems. …show more content…

Generally, the “New Normal” describes an individual who handles his or her condition well and finds the balance between health and illness. In addition, this way of living includes the development of all the attributes (acceptance, cope, self-management, integration, and adjustment) necessary to attain “positive living.” In contrast, the opposite extreme “Disruption,” describes an individual who is in a state of imbalance due to encountering stressful factors, such as the emergence of a new symptom or diagnosis of a new

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