
Chronic Insomnia

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brain tumors or strokes (Epstein, p.249).
Chronic insomnia was revealed to be in direct relation to a neurochemical imbalance in 2008 that makes it difficult for the brain to get ready for sleep. Someone who is affected for more than six months has 30 percent less gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is chemically induced throughout the brain to slow activity down (McKeever,2008). GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps regions of the brain shut down by reducing electrical activity (Mehta,2008). This attributes to overactivity being present at not only the level of excessive thoughts and emotions but at the nervous system as well (McKeever,2008). Hyperarousal is also a neurobiological state of chronic insomnia and lower GABA levels are found in people with a major depression disorder and anxiety disorders that both factor into disturbed sleep ( To support this theory, researchers collected data on 16 people …show more content…

For this study, 25 people with and 25 people without sleep problems were tested on overnight sleep patterns and working memory tasks. During the overnight sleep period, the group with insomnia got about 6 hours of sleep and the group without insomnia averaged 7 hours. The memory task occurred while the brain was being scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). People with insomnia showed less activity in working memory regions and people without showed more. As the task got harder, people without insomnia showed more activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and less for people with insomnia (Rettner,2013). With the increased difficulty of the tasks, the group without were able to control their mind wandering and the group with insomnia were not

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