
Cigarette Cigarettes Should Be Banned

Decent Essays

Jake Gibbs
Dr. David Lenoir

Cigarettes should be banned nationwide. Additionally, if there is any way to ban them worldwide, it should be an option. From the countless forms of cancer, to the millions of pounds of cigarette filter garbage, we have had countless research to prove cigarettes are very harmful to not only anyone who smokes them but anyone near them who is taking in second hand smoke.
Smoking causes your immune system to become obsolete. Cilia in your lungs are supposed to filter out the bad viruses, dust, and other germs that keep you from getting colds. Every time you puff on a cigarette, you scar those cilia making getting sick easier and easier.
Smoking is time consuming. Taking precious time away from family and friends, not to mention the endless mounds of money that people take out of pocket to spend on some cancer sticks. ‘’Almost every half hour a smoker smokes a cigarette, so if you are awake for no more than sixteen hours, that’s thirty two cigarettes,’’ and usually it takes five to six minutes to smoke. Not only is it taking your life away it is taking your family’s life and love for you away as well. To see them always in a haze due to the fact that they are more worried about their next cigarette than loved ones. Time is a huge factor, but what about money? If you regularly smoke one pack a day, you annually spend around $2,000. With time comes several other factors that contribute to the destruction that cigarettes cause, loved ones are impacted along with personal health. All this research is being done to prove that cigarettes are bad. Why not stop? Smoking near or around impressionable adolescents is the worst because kids don’t know any better. Mothers who choose to smoke while pregnant put unborn babies at risk for a multitude of allergies, asthma and low birth weight. ‘’For babies eighteen months and younger, secondhand smoke is responsible for 150,000 to 300,000 new cases of bronchitis and pneumonia annually.’’ That is common if not expected with the thousands of different chemicals packed in them. If people knew some of the components to these disgusting things they wouldn’t be very proud as a human being that we actually smoke these fowl things.

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