
Cigarettes Vs E-Cigarettes Essay

Decent Essays

Do you ever see someone smoking and just think that they are hurting themselves, that they just need to stop? The smoke clouding the air around them and you can barely breathe with all of the smoke, and then when you see someone use a E - cigaret and they think it is better and healthier for them do you think that it is true that they are actually helping themselves? E- cigarettes are a electronic cigaret that uses water vapor and nicotine, almost the same as a tobacco cigarettes. Smoking E- cigarettes are not better than smoking real ones because it is addictive, not safe or healthier, and still has a social impact. Smoking E-cigarettes are not better than smoking real cigarettes. In many recent studies they try to figure out whether E - cigarettes are better or as addictive as the other ones in Daily Mail they say “A new study warns that because e-liquids contain the most addictive form of nicotine and many bottles of the liquid are mislabeled as to their level of the drug and they are causing more problems.” Many companies are lying to their customers and making what people think is their solution is to stop smoking and just making them addicted to the same thing or something that is even worse than what they were smoking before. People that are addicted to real cigarettes with …show more content…

A study by the FDA say “ A toxic compound found in antifreeze, tobacco specific compounds that have been shown to cause cancer.” Okay so first of all we all should know that if antifreeze gets in people's system they will get very sick and can lead to death. E- cigarettes are not any healthier than the real ones they have more chemicals in them that the companies say are good for other because that just want people to buy their product. Smoking E-cigarettes are not better than the real ones because they are not safe or anymore healthier than the real

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