
Civil Liberties: Article Analysis

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How would one feel if they knew a stranger was watching their every move? Rather than increased security Americans should experience their personal liberties. Citizens privacy is within their rights. With additional security citizens would constantly be watched, scrutinized, and inspected.
Race, ethnicity, religion, and gender among other factors lead to stereotyping and profiling individuals. This deems them to be either worthy of a security check or not. Typically, a male age eighteen to thirty eight muslim or arab would be targeted for these security measures, but a caucasian male the same age would not. An american politician Norman Mineta when asked if a 70 year old white women would be scrutinized the same as a muslim answered by saying “Basically, I would hope so.” Each person is equally likely to commit a terrorist attack. There is no way to define who or who isn't going to commit a crime by the color of their skin or their religion. By classifying a group of people you miss real terrorists. Less than two percent of muslims committed terrorist attacks in the previous five years according to article “Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close” from This article also mentions statistics including how in 2013 it was more likely Americans would be killed by …show more content…

The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution does not allow unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and is required to be supported by a reason. When the government spies on citizens internet there is no individual warrant and the inspection is not supported by a reason. The people have not agreed to their information being looked amongst and it is their individual choice if they want to share it with someone. The fourth amendment protects Americans from this unreasonable search due to its private information being accessed without a

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