
Civil Liberty Research Paper

Decent Essays

Living Under One Civil Liberty

Imagine having to choose just one of the civil liberties. Would you be able to choose just one when there are so many that we need and use on the daily? All of the civil liberties save us a lot of everyday stress but if I had to choose just one, I would choose the second amendment, that states, “a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Reason being is because the rate in the city has had a dramatic increase in the last fourth months, FBI says 19 percent increase for violent crimes and 5 percent for property crimes. There has been more violent crimes than property crimes but I believe everyone should have the right to protect themselves and only in the sense of protection. In 1939 the court adopted a collective rights approach, determining that congress could regulate a sawed-off shot gun that had moved in interstate commerce under the national firearms act of 1934 because the evidence did not suggest that the shot gun “has some reasonable relationship to the preservation of efficiency of a well-regulated militia. It may have taken a couple of tries to pass this law, but there were regulations which ban weapons on government property, regulations which ban the illegal possession of a hand gun as a …show more content…

I am a firm believer in letting others defend themselves because there is a lot of people in the world who no remorse for a human beings life. I also believe that self-defense should never be tried in court, no one should have to go through legal actions for trying to save their own lives since the person that put their life in danger didn’t think twice about putting that individual in danger or taking their life away. I highly doubt that the crime rate raising would stop but where would we be if no one could protect or

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