
Civil War DBQ

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The Civil War was fought from April 12th 1861 to the spring of 1865 in the United States. During the civil war, 62,000 men died fighting in the civil war. It is known for being the most bloodiest war fought in the U.S. The question to this war is, how did it the Civil War start? What were the reason to go to battle and fight each other inside the U.S. The biggest concern about the Civil War was that the Union and the Confederacy had different views of seing how to run their side.

One of the biggest reason that caused the civil war, was due to slavery. The Northern side and the Southern side were divided because of slavery. The South had the most slaves, and wanted to maintain them because they depended on them. In document two from Civil War DBQ, it shows the percentage of slavery between the North and South. In the document it says that the South had eighty eight percent of slaves. The reason why the South wanted to keep their slaves was that they were useful and beneficial for their economy. Without having slaves their economy would go down. …show more content…

As Abraham Lincoln succeed in winning the elections it became a conflict. In Document 11 from the Civil War DBQ it says that Abraham Lincoln was republican who was against the expansion of slavery. Lincoln winning the election without a single vote from the Southern side it lead to the civil war. The South fear that he was going abolish slavery in the Southern side. The South secede from the Union, but Abraham wanted the Nation to be together and he was going to do whatever it takes to have all states together in the Union. Since he wanted to stop slavery the South refuse and fought against the

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