
Clinical Conditions And Their Underlying Pain Mechanisms

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We all know that pain is invariably unpleasant and can be experienced from the stimuli which cause peripheral tissue damage. However, people can also experience pain without any signs of peripheral tissues damage in parts of their body which do not exhibit any sign of trauma or disease. The intensity of pain has known to be vary between different individual and is often influenced by previous experience, individual’s beliefs and knowledge, fear and anxiety, sex, culture, age and so on (Butler & Mosely 2013). Pain is pointed out as more than just a sensation as it is also an emotional experience. It can influence both mental states and behaviour response or in oppose, an emotional experience can influence the pain output. Therefore, the following part of the essay, we will be discussing about two clinical conditions and their underlying pain mechanisms where for one of them, the degree of pain relates well to the extent of the peripheral tissue damage or pathology and for another, the degree of pain does not relate well to the peripheral tissue damage or pathology follow by appropriate physiotherapy management programmes relatively (Craft & Gordon 2015).

Firstly, we will be looking at a clinical condition where the degree of pain reported usually relates well to the extent of the peripheral tissue damage or pathology which is the anterior cruciate ligament sprain. Anterior cruciate ligament sprain often involved peripheral tissue damage or pathology. It is usually due to

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