
Cloud Computing

Better Essays

Cloud Computing
CIS 500
August 28, 2012

Introduction The world is turning to cloud computing to manage data. Businesses are at the forefront of this new trend with companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and others leading the way by providing these services. What exactly is cloud computing? According to Turban & Volonino (2011), cloud computing is Internet- based computing in which shared resources (such as hard drives for storage) and software apps are provided to computers and other devices on- demand (p. 48).
The author will explain in this case study how Ericsson benefitted from using Amazon Web Services (AWS) in terms of cost reduction, automated software updates, remote access, and on-demand availability. The …show more content…

Security Concerns for Cloud Based services In this burgeoning world of cyber criminals, it is imperative that companies address cloud computing security with their providers as they entrust their data to them. One of the biggest concerns with using cloud computing is the threat of a data breach or data loss. How do businesses combat that threat? According to (n.d), “Reputable cloud providers will offer security solutions like firewalls, secure login and data transfer” (p. 7). Though some companies will be worried about the cost of paying for enhanced security, it is imperative that this issue is incorporated into the cloud computing agreements. By addressing this issue upfront, the costs can be mitigated to a certain extent. A simple way to provide another layer of security is to require stronger password protocol of all users. Another security issue conducting penetration tests (pentest) for evaluating the

security of the cloud computing system. As stated in (2010), “We must be able to

conduct a pentest in a cloud computing environment without triggering a response

from the provider or causing loss of service for our company as well and any of the multitenant

customers” (p.6). It is imperative that cloud computing vendors have the pentest as a part of their tool box to offer perspective clients. According to (2010), Amazon has published a policy that includes a procedure for customers to conduct a pentest.

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