
Cognitive Behavioral Theory And Behavioral Therapy

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A Cognitive Behavioral Approach to The Case of Stan
Overview – Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavior therapy, or CBT, combines both cognitive and behavioral principles and methods in a short-term treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapies are based on a psychoeducational model that emphasizes the role of homework and places responsibility on the client, assuming an active role both during and outside of the therapy sessions (Correy 2009). CBT can be thought of as a combination of both psychotherapy and behavioral therapy; psychotherapy emphasizes the importance of the personal meaning we place on things and how thinking patterns begin in childhood, behavioral therapy looks at the relationship between our problems, our behavior and our thoughts (Martin 2016). It focuses on strategies to change distorted cognitions to bring about change to the clients way of thinking. CBT is based on the assumption that the recognizing of a distorted way of thinking and negative self image will result in a corresponding change of one’s behavior. Operant conditioning, modeling, and behavioral rehearsal are some of the behavioral techniques that can also be applied to the subjective processes of thinking and internal dialogue (Beck 1991). The way cognitive behavioral therapy works is complex and there are several possible theories about how it works. The methods of CBT are useful because the client solves problems that may be long-standing and stuck (Martin 2016).
Analysis – The

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