
Cognitive Dissonance Essay

Decent Essays

Cognitive Dissonance: The Cheating Effect
What happens when a person is faced with the conflict of studying for versus cheating on a college exam when eighty-percent of their grade is dependent upon the outcome of said exam? For the college student there may be a number of self-justifiable factors. The conflicted student may find themselves in a position of emotional and moralistic conflict over choice; situation, morality, personality trait, personal beliefs, and attitude are a fraction of the elements in a slew of factors that potentially play a role in the final outcome. When preparing for or taking a college exam, ethics, behavior and attitude may very well change dependent upon the level of importance of the college exam, overall grade, …show more content…

Here, Smith, Ryan and Diggins hypothesized that a student with strong motivation to achieve a good grade earned by his or her own efforts would not cheat because cheating would not lead to a sense of …show more content…

First, the magnitude of dissonance experience, second, the importance of the elements involved in order to restore consistency and third, the level of restructuring one’s cognitive system in an attempt at reducing the dissonance. These authors point out that little research has been conducted in relation to the three elements. Furthermore, going against the majority, the authors indicated sufficient research has been conducted on the basis of attitude and beliefs, and in doing so, suggested that change may occur in the individual after being subjected to dissonance arousing situations, for example deciding whether or not to cheat on a college

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