
Col Sanders Short Stories

Decent Essays

Sitting upon ammunition creates Col. Sanders smoked a cigarette. Looking up at the sky he thought to himself “ If this weather doesn't clear we won’t be hitting the beaches today my company ain’t going to like this.” “Colonel” pant…..pant “ We just got word that one of the big wheels called it in it’s about time to hit the beach.” Col. Sander slowly looked up, standing above him was Brooklyn nobody knew why they called him that, as far as he could tell he wasn't even from New York. “Hey Brooklyn check out that mitt flopper.” said Col. Sanders. Brooklyn looked and saw a Pvt. yes siring a sargent. Brooklyn replied “ He ain’t going anywhere.” Brooklyn walked away going to get ready for the invasion as he walked he seen that people had the book …show more content…

As bullets rang from the besieged paratroopers and the desperate germans col. Sanders and the paratrooper attempted to form a battle plan. “Were glad to see you boys the krauts have had us pinned down for hours we’ve got a looney toon of a plan Col.” the paratrooper said “old ma and pa farmer here left behind their tractor we bet a franklin that if we get that thing going we could use it for cover to get across the bridge and give the Krauts a Kentucky greeting”. Col. Sanders replied “what makes you so sure that the huns ain't gonna blow us to kingdom come with those panzerschreck while we cross the bridge”. The paratrooper smiled and said “ well you see that's the catch twenty two they need the bridge just as bad as we do.” the tractor roared to life and burst through the barn doors slowly heading across the old stone bridge. The germans momentarily ceased fire as the ancient machine made its way across the bridge, but the silence was broken as they blasted away at the tractor, it was in vain as the tractor did its job and got most the army soldiers across. In a strange twist of events the gunshots stopped and the sobbing of children could be heard, just as Brooklyn was about to

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