
Cold Turkey Research Paper

Decent Essays

Of the roughly 42 million adults in the US that use tobacco, nearly 69% of smokers want to quit and more than 42% of those wishing to quit will make the attempt through various methods(1). These methods range from the "cold turkey" method, nicotine replacement therapy, behavioural therapy and even medicine. Each method has it's unique strengths and weaknesses as well as varying success rates. There are many reasons to quit and many ways in which to do so, either with methods that involve slowly weaning off of nicotine, like gums and patches from replacement therapy, to nicotine-free methods which require support from various sources.

To begin with, the most commonly attempted method is called "cold turkey", where all forms of nicotine are given up …show more content…

The two most common ones are called Zyban and Chantix. Both of these medications are considered nicotine-free, since they both interrupt the chemicals in the brain related to nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms, rather than utilize small amounts of nicotine to wean the user off(7). The effectiveness of each of these are cessation rates of 44% for Chantix and 30% with Zyban after a three-month period(7). Once again, coupled with counseling and a strong support from friends and family, your success rate increases.

Altogether, of all smokers who wish to quit, have tried to quit, or are currently on the road to quitting, any of these methods are perfectly viable. Each option, be it "cold turkey", nicotine-replacement therapy, behavioral therapy or nicotine-free medicine, your chances improve with one common element shared among them, a support network. Having friends and family, counselor or doctor at your back to support your path to quitting will increase your odds of cessation and help you lead a healthier life and reduce chances of a relapse.


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