
College Admissions Essay: The Definition Of Happiness

Decent Essays

Midway through June five years ago, my grandmother wondered if I would be willing to work for one of her friends at a bridge tournament. This job entailed helping to run a bridge game at the Holiday Inn ballroom; this week-long event attracted hundreds of people--primarily senior citizens--from throughout the country. With trepidation, I considered her offer: work 9-12 hour shifts for a 6 days straight (a $500 deal), or enjoy my typical summer activities. Predictably the money won out; after all, I’d definitely be happier with more cash in my pockets...right? Beginning with Greek philosophers, mankind has constantly pondered the meaning of happiness. Questions of how to attain joy, and how to keep it have been debated for centuries. Various religions provide roadmaps to achieve contentment: Christians preach the Ten Commandments and Heaven, and Buddhists prize the idea of karma and reincarnation. Yet others seek a more material form of satisfaction; especially in the United States, increasing emphasis is placed upon personal wealth. …show more content…

As the clock hit 10:35 p.m on my last day, a sense of weariness descended upon me--not a sensation of satisfaction. Honestly, the thought of being finished with tedious hours of running to and fro gave me more joy than holding my week’s pay. Although I understand the necessity of wealth, I fail to see why some prize cash above all else. Yes, numerous people--both the have and have nots--consider those who prioritize family as somehow weaker or less motivated. But such “slackers” are really ahead of the game: they have more substantial relationships and experiences, and consequently greater happiness. Placing importance on people instead slips of paper may often be considered foolish. But when life comes to a close, will you regret outings with loved ones, or the extra hours to earn a few more

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