
College And Personal Experience : My Experience In College

Decent Essays

College, from what I heard from people say, is a time that you would not forget. From coming from such a far away place I did not really know what to expect. I was expecting some changes, but not the changes that I experienced over the past semester. I have changed as a person with greater openness of others’ ideas and topics. I have changed with more independent from my parents and I have changed with more knowing of determining who I want to be, and I have changed by being more understanding that a person has to ask questions or otherwise, when in doubt people will not communicate with you. This past semester has been a time of self growth, which in turn has caused me to be a much different person that I had started out with.
There were multiple times where I saw and heard other people's experiences and ideas. One of these times was in our Perspectives class, because of the many discussions from the class, as a whole, and of the specialty group focusing on political ideology. I changed with the moderation of views regarding economic policies, however, I am still fervent on my current views on social issues. Another time I have broadened my outlook is when I normally walk around with some friends and then they occasionally they open up about themselves. Prior to SU, I felt there was no person out there who had experienced or understood what I had to deal with my mother and my secluded life. Every person in SU that I have met had something with them that had a direct

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