
College Athletes : National Collegiate Athletic Association

Decent Essays

As writer Jon Saraceno would say, “The NCAA [National Collegiate Athletic Association] is a tax-exempt organization that operates as a monopoly, its rulebook denser than the New Testament” (Saraceno 38). He explains that the NCAA has various rules, and coaches and players do not know what is right or wrong. Others view that athletes are already receiving pay with scholarships. Athletes in higher revenue generating sports, comparable to basketball and football, are usually more likely to earn a full-ride scholarship. Full-ride scholarships allow an athlete to attend institutions at little to no cost. Without full-ride or partial scholarships, certain players could not afford to attend school. This is due to the poverty in areas where …show more content…

People all over the United States believe that a selection of the money should go back to the players. They believe not much, but a little bit of the revenue made would go back into a fund to pay these college athletes. The argument against giving these players compensation starts with the athletic departments. These people say that the athletic departments already operate under the red. However, the athletic departments cannot operate in the red since they bring anywhere from $30 million to $163 million in revenue every year. The only schools that possibly operate in a deficit would be the smaller, less popular schools. Although to help out, the BCS, Bowl Championship Series, gives 83.4% of their $174 million in revenue from 5 bowl games to 6 different conferences. When the conferences develop the money, they split the money with the colleges of their conference. For example, in 2007, the $36 million made from the BCS championship game was disrupted to Florida and Ohio State along with their conferences (Saraceno). In addition to making the universities money, the athletes also create revenues for the schools with shoe companies, and also the TV networks. One shoe can make a massive revenue for the shoe company and also the athlete’s college on the assumption that this certain athlete is famous. Exploiting college athletes act as the main agreement for paying players. Exploitation is defined by the action or fact of treating somebody unfairly in

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