
College Athletes Should Be Paid

Decent Essays

Athletes who are given full ride athletic scholarships receive free tuition, housing, books, meals and money for basic needs. In addition, they get to attend a top college which they might have not been accepted into without excelling at a particular or multiple sports. With all of these benefits, some people think college athletes should be paid a stipend. College athletes in the United States should not be paid because of the negative effects on the athletes, colleges and the public.

Paying college athletes would leave negative effects on the athletes during and after college. Many athletes now do it for the love of the game and as a fun extra activity outside of learning, but if money was brought into the equation, the whole idea of college …show more content…

Student-athletes are going to school to learn, and many are lucky enough to do so for reduced cost, given the often generous athletic scholarships. If these athletes were paid, it would change their motives as students’’ (Martinez). Along with taking the focus off school, colleges would have to decide how much the athletes would make. The wages would not be fair since different sports bring in different amounts of money (Shenolikar). For example, men's NCAA basketball brings in a lot more money than a girls cross country team. This would cause many athletes to become upset which would just lead to more problems colleges would have to deal with, if they paid their …show more content…

Colleges would have to figure out how much money athletes will receive and how they would come up with the money to pay the athletes. Colleges don’t have as much money to be paying all of the athletes so if athletes were going to be paid, then colleges would have to cut some teams. This is not fair to the athletes that worked so hard throughout their lives to get to a big school. They would not be happy to find their team was cut so a more popular sports team would be paid (NOCERA and WILLIAMS 23). Does that sound fair? The better solution is to not pay athletes to stay out of problems it would cause the college.

If college athletes begin to get paid, the school may lose fans. Many people watch college athletes since they think they do it for the love of the game, not for the money like pro athletes. ‘’In 2013 survey expert John Dennis found that 69% of the public is opposed to paying student-athletes. (This proposed payment would be in addition to the scholarships given in men’s football and basketball programs.)’’(Martinez) Since colleges would be paying the athletes, but losing fans they would be losing money to pay the athletics. This would lead to the colleges having to cut more teams just so some teams can be

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