
College Athletes Should Be Paid

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With another academic school year passing by, college football fans were able to join another out the seat nail-biting highlighted NCAA football season. Majority of the people would agree that college football is just as competitive and popular as the NFL. The annual revenue of the top 25 college football teams can reflect that assumption by grossing over 1.2 billion dollars alone. There is one major difference between the two associations which is NFL players are paid off the money they help bring in and college student athletes are not. Providing scholarships to the athletes isn’t enough anymore if the NCAA Football wants to perceive themselves as a money making competitor, and not reward the athletes that helped bring in that type of money. …show more content…

As stated by Andrew Zimbalist in the U.S News and World Report, an amateur is someone who engages in the activity for fun, not commission. The NCAA President Mr. Mark Emmert believes this is what keep the associations going that he is running, but when push comes to shove things have changed over the years. The revenue that the NCAA benefits from is hypocritical to the idea of amateurism. As the sponsors grow and television deals are being made everyone is forgetting the main reason behind all of this success, the athletes. The athletes are the ones who made this possible and they are seeing none of the benefits from it. In 2011 the Chancellor Brit Kirwan of Maryland University, stated in a New York Times article that it is the entire NCAA fault for this altercation “The huge TV contracts and excessive commercialization have corrupted intercollegiate athletics,” he said. “To some extent they have compromised the integrity of the universities”. In addition, the NCAA violates its own dedication to amateurism by the sale of video game licenses, game merchandise, footage, and anything else that reels in profit for the NCAA. The athletes are the promoters for the merchandise, but only the NCAA and the universities receive the expediential amount of money grossed in. Today the NCAA is manipulating the gifted athletes by creating a system that benefits off of their …show more content…

The NCAA must make a decision if it is taking advantage of capitalism to make money, and profits wasn’t being made then there would be an altercation with paying players. The NCAA acts like a cartel in its actions according to a piece from The Sport Journal. A player ready to be drafted into the NFL is already worth 495,000 dollars to the NCAA respectively. This also indicates that a player’s scholarship value is nowhere near his actual worth to the school. What makes matters worse is that the NCAA has restrictions on when a player can decide when they want to go pro. The demand for paying athletes would not be as great of a mandate if the NCAA allowed players to skip college completely. If a player wants to skip college and head straight to the NFL then their shouldn’t even be an argument, because every year there are players talented enough to go straight to the league. For example, South Carolina’s Jadeveon Clowney who was not allowed to be drafted this past year because he was only a sophomore in college. The NFL is able to use college as a training system, because participating in college adds extra talent evaluation, bypassing guesswork. The NCAA agrees with this system for players to stay in school to help reel in profits from headlines, wins, and draws. Overall, the athletes see no gain from such a meaningless restriction that serves to maintain the NCAA as a monopoly pipeline into professional

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