
College Athletes Should Be Paid

Decent Essays

Research Question
Should college athletes, specifically in a division I, revenue producing sports be receiving payment from the university in exchange for their performance? This is my research question for my interview proposal. Student athletes are provided scholarships and other incentives for playing a division I sport, but is it really enough to cover the cost of their tuition and personal expenses? There is a vast amount of opinions on this issue; ranging from yes or no that student athletes should be waged, to they should be able to accept endorsements or that they should get an extra stipend if their season goes well. Particularly, men’s football and basketball are the two biggest, revenue producing division I sports in which universities …show more content…

Before I started the interview I explained to each participant what the research question is. I would say something like this, this interview is gathering opinions and feelings on the question of if division I college athletes should be compensated. Student athletes are provided scholarships, and sometimes other incentives for their performance, but they also put an enormous amount of time into the sport. I will ask you a series of questions to gather your opinion on this topic, it should take no longer than 10 minutes. Are you still willing to answer? All of the people were still willing to participate in the interview after I said this to them. I ended up doing four interviews because I wanted to see if there was a difference in opinions between ages and genders. I interviewed two males and two females. The males were the ages of 48 and 23. The females were the ages of 52 and …show more content…

I tried to not make any comments or help their answer out in anyway because I did not want to influence them and not get as accurate of results. The only comments I made was my initial statement to give them background about the interview, then I only spoke if they needed clarification to one of the questions. I found the participates making comments after a lot of the questions, and I would just listen to them and not make any comments back. The comments were pretty much them thinking about the question out loud. For example, when I asked question number 6, they all would say something out loud like, why would they do that, they all still have to be there and practice the same amount. They interviewees reacted like this to a lot of the questions, they usually had something to say about the questions. I would listen to the quality of their response and type what they said in addition to their answer to the question. All in all, I would like to reflect that I did not affect the outcome very much because I did not say anything to them besides the question or clarifying what a question

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