
College Drinking Essay

Decent Essays

College Drinking
I would agree with the research. Before coming to college I never drank. I had friends who drank alcohol and have been around it a lot. I always said I don't think I would ever drink alcohol. I didn't have anything against it, I just felt as though it wasn't for me.
Starting college was a great experience for me. I've meet many people who I have built relationships with, and I’ve noticed how different people can be from you. A lot of the people who I hung with in college drank alcohol when we went to parties. I would go to the parties, but I wouldn't drink. At first I did not drink but I believe me being in the party environment and seeing everyone enjoying themselves influenced me to try it. I would say the party environment …show more content…

The labeling theory is a theory that describes how the self-identity and behavior of individuals may be determined or influenced by the terms people use to describe or classify them (Mead, 2008). I feel as though labeling can be categorized with stereotyping. I don't see how they are different from each other because you are putting a label on someone because of their actions.
There is some positivity with assigning someone a diagnosis of of a psychological disorder. For instance living life not knowing about a disorder may be causing harm to your body. Going through life without be aware is also cutting out the opportunity to get help for the problem occurring. So knowing about it can help in the long run.
Some negative aspects when labeling someone with psychological disorders would be that a person may not be viewed for who they are but, what their diagnosis is. Individuals may be looked at negatively and their positive attributes are most likely to be looked passed. Another negative aspect would be that medications may come with serious side effects that can do harm to a person's health. All medications are known to have side effects. Stimulants that are commonly used by individuals with ADHD may cause insomnia, suppressed appetite and growth, and other side effects that can affect child and adolescent development. An individual who is diagnosed with a psychological problem may be treated differently because of their label. It may be worse for children because they have yet to develop their

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