
College Essay On Religion

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College Essay

Pakistan, May 2007 around 8:00 pm, I existed the local madrasa (religious school), completing the 5th daily prayer and recitation of the Quran, and proceeded to head home wearing my light blue Kameez, White Salwar, and a Kufi on my head to offer a sign of humility before God. The reason I remember that warm windy night is because that day the mullah taught me that we humans are sent to earth by almighty god so he can test our loyalty to him. Those who follow his true path will ascend to the heavens upon death, and those who disobey him and his prophets will suffer in hell for eternity. I was 8 back then and life was good. Despite the Taliban decapitating captured soldiers and letting them rot in the intersections to …show more content…

I continued my habit of praying five times a day and just like the Imam preached it made me feel clean and safe. I understood that no matter what happened, it was intended by god and he was always there to protect me from evil. I felt happy and special. As time passed and I got access to the internet, I was exposed to the different point of views on religion. I became really interested in the religion vs science debates. In the ninth grade, when I got my first Black iPhone 3gs, I downloaded YouTube and for Hours would watch different religion vs science debates, on topics ranging from the origination of Earth, the universe, Life, to human morality and whether it only exists in religion, to the purpose of life, and whether religions are peaceful or violent. I would always get high on dopamine when the non-religious person would struggle to answer some questions and I felt lucky that god chose me to be born in a religion specifically the “Correct” religion. However, the more I continued to watch these debates, the more I noticed that the pro-science person always referred to facts and scientific proof and logic in their argument while the religious person used their “Holy book” to back their point of views. Then things started to get more complicated, in biology, we are taught that human and apes evolved from a common ancestor, while the major monolithic religions state that

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